Testimonials Basic 3


Today, we are paying a high price for our advances in technology, medicine or chemistry. Facts, within our highly technical and industrialized world, are speaking a very clear language. Environmental pollution by chemicals within the last 30 years has increased tenfold.

Yearly, a 200 million ton heavy toxic ˝avalanche˝ is covering our planetary population. Daily, approx. 13 million tons of chemicals are being produced by industry and traffic. Therefore, each earth citizen is receiving about 2 kilos of it.

Following exemplary study shows how immense this danger is, caused by environmental toxins:

  • Urine tests performed by the renowned nature conversation organization World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on 39 members of the European Parliament and on 14 European health ministrs in 2004 showed clear results.
  • Chemical residue products of phthalate and perfluorinated compounds (13 times) and
  • Chemical substances (25 times), such as fire retardants, pesticides, and chlorine compounds of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) could be proven.

These dramatic test results are showing that we are sitting upon a time bomb. The numerously detected biphenyl is a poisonous and cancer causing chemical chlorine compound, having been used previously among other things as a softener in paint, sealants, as insulation and plastic. They are belonging to the highly toxic group of twelve ˝Dirty Dozen˝ substances which were banned worldwide in 2001, however, they are still throughout the Earth – in waters, soils and atmosphere.

(Der Stein des Lebens – dr. Ilse Triebnig & Ingomar W. Schweiz)


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